
Visitors to Okinawa will most likely think they have landed in a different country. The destination offers sun-kissed beaches, crystal clear blue waters and abundant coral reefs. Okinawa is Japan’s southernmost prefecture and consists of a series of small islands in the southern half of an island chain stretching over 1,000 kilometers from Kyushu to Taiwan.

The seas surrounding Okinawa’s islands are considered to be among the most beautiful on earth with an astounding amount of colorful marine life to explore. Snorkeling and scuba diving are the area’s top activities. The islands making up the Okinawa Prefecture are also known as the Ryukyu Islands - a name closely linked to the area’s native culture which differs from the rest of the country in terms of dialect, cuisine and art.

As well as beach breaks and water sports, incentive visitors can enjoy dinner cruises around Naha Bay, or discover of the area’s war time history with the aid of an expert guide. Befitting of this stunning location, the standards and range of accommodation are also excellent.

Key Destinations


Naha has literally risen from the ashes after being flattened in World War II. Expanding both outwards and upwards, it offers visitors a host of entertainment focused around International Boulevard – a 2 kilometer road crammed with bars, hotel, shops and restaurants. Shuri Castle is one of the most important historical sites in Naha and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.